Bishop Tobias

In 2006, Tobias was ordained a priest in the Reformed Catholic Church International of the St. Philip Neri Archdiocese under the authority of Patriarch +Martin McGuire, with Bishop +JW Stansell as celebrant, by laying on of hands in Easley, South Carolina in the Church banquet hall to accommodate those in attendance.

From 2006, the new priest +Tobias acquired a "perpetual" home church charter for St. Christopher Independent Catholic Church through his ordaining jurisdiction. Home Eucharist and other services were provided for local homebound individuals as part of the ministry outreach.

In 2016, Father Tobias joined Bishop +JW to form St. Benedict Liberty Catholic Church, consecrating him Bishop, incardinating him with others into the Ancient Catholic Church, and becoming a member in full communion. Later, the St. Benedict Archdiocese dissolved. Now, the Ancient Catholic Church has a new name: the Ancient Apostolic Church.

The home chapel is now active again and goes under the name of St. Christopher Ancient Apostolic Church. Bishop +Tobias looks forward to expanding missions and outreach within the local community. Services currently offered are from the Book of Common Prayer and forms of the the Liberal Rite, more will be added as members require. Home chapel setup, training in the daily office, and mentoring are promoted and made available.

Our mission

We're on a mission to share the Gospel with others and share in the mystery of the Eucharist. Our goal is to match your talents with your vision of ministry while serving others.

Our vision

We want to live in a world where people can live in peace, worship, and meet their needs rather than having to find a compromise and settle on the second-best option join in the vision of outreach and walking the way of Christ

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Our strength lies in our communication, dedication, and vocation. Members wanted!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!

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